The SkateBoat, true story - transmedia experience - prawdziwa historia

 Photo: Róża Misztela

The SkateBoat project is meant to be an opportunity for everyone who wants to participate in the process of creating and recreating the hi/story of skateboarding.

Strona oficjalna projektu/ Official page:
Blogi/ Blogs:

Dołącz do nas/ Join us on:
FACEBOOK - SkateBoat
TWITTER - SkateBoatpro

Oglądaj nas na You Tube /Watch SkateBoat on YouTube:
The SkateBoat channel

Zobacz / Watch Making of SkateBoat

Artykuły dotyczące projektu/ Read more about the project:

First Motion

Baltic Universe:


LeLe Crossmedia Production

Łódź Film Commission

Kontakt / Contact us:

Partners and funders for the pilot version of SkateBoat project

Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).